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Winner of the J&T Express Blog Competition

J&T Express has held a blog competition with the theme "Logistics in the Industrial Age 4.0" together with Kompasiana inviting all creative people to present opinions, reviews or personal experiences in using services or associated with J&T Express and the logistics industry's relationship in the digital era 4.0

With a period of one month the competition takes place starting from 24 November 2019 to 24 December 2020 there are more than 300 participants. J&T Express and Kompasiana have received and sorted all articles that come in. Now is the time to determine the names that won the Blog Competition and here are the 6 best articles that are entitled to get prizes:

1st Place:: Spirit of Quantum Teleportation and Industry Attributes 4.0 Builder of Future Smart Logisticsc by Kartika Eka H received a prize of 1 Macbook Pro or cash worth Rp 20,000,000

2nd Place:: J&T Express, "Smart Logistic" in Industrial Era 4.0 by Himam Miladi received cash worth Rp. 10,000,000 

3rd Place:: J&T Express, Best Supporter Industrial Era 4.0 Online Business by Una Anshari received cash worth IDR 5,000,000 

Favorite Champion gets cash worth Rp 1,000,000

We congratulate the winners and thank you for the participation of all participants who have written their writings very well by presenting a different perspective on the development of the logistics industry today.

This decision is made wisely and in accordance with management agreement, and cannot be contested.

Please beware of fraud in the name of PT Global Jet Express or J&T Express, the winner will be contacted directly by Kompasiana or check via the following link http://bit.ly/pemenangblogcompetitionjnt


Thank you for your attention

J&T Express Management

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