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Wins Indonesia Wow Brand Award 2022 Proves J&T Express Increasingly Strengthens Brand Awareness in Endemic Times

Jakarta, March 23, 2022 – J&T Express as a global-scale shipping service company continues to strengthen brand awareness positioning, especially at this time where lifestyle transitions and people's preferences have changed since the pandemic. With its marketing and branding concepts, J&T Express again won the Indonesia Wow Brand Award 2022 for the third time organized by MarkPlus Inc with the theme Branding in The Endemic Year which was carried this year. This virtual award was held as part of the Wow Brand Festive Day 2022 series of events on March 23, 2022.

The survey was conducted on 4,000 respondents in various provinces in Indonesia, specifically Jakarta, Central Java, West Java, East Java, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and the Eastern Region (Maluku, Papua, Bali, NTB, NTT) in January and Last February 2022 produced the J&T Express brand as a shipping service brand that has a WOW marketing concept with 5A parameters (Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act and Advocate).

"Both before and in the midst of the pandemic and until now, J&T Express can still be one of the shipping service brands that has good positioning and awareness, it cannot be separated from digital strategies and brand campaigns carried out for customers. For this reason, we appreciate the Indonesia Wow Brand Award 2022 given by MarkPlus which is an application of our team's performance to continue to strive to be the best in the shipping service industry to date," said Herline Septia - Brand Manager of J&T Express Indonesia.

During the pandemic and currently J&T Express is still active in holding digital brand activation and campaigns, especially through social media, which not only builds brand awareness but does not rule out the emergence of brand advocacy and engagement with customers throughout the archipelago.

"With the 2022 Wow Brand award in the courier service category, this is increasingly our motivation to continue to activate more creative brand campaigns in achieving a stronger brand positioning and as a global brand," added Herline.

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