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J&T Express Supports Efforts to Eradicate Drug Abuse with BNN

Jakarta, May 24, 2022 - J&T Express in collaboration with the Tangerang City BNN held a urine test activity in the context of pre-HANI 2022. Although the pandemic is not yet fully over, urine sampling is still implementing health protocols by officers. This good opportunity was attended by 64 employees of J&T Express Tangerang which took place on Monday, May 23, 2022.

This activity was carried out as an early detection step for drug abuse and a form of implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2020 concerning the National Action Plan for the Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN). Represented by Plt. Sub Coordinator of the Rehabilitation Section of the City of Tangerang, Didit Maulana and the Eradication Section of the Tangerang City BNN, Bripka Ikang Saputra. The activities took place in an orderly and smooth manner.

Oka Baskara as the HRD Supervisor for J&T Express Tangerang, welcomed the implementation of the urine test and expressed his gratitude to the BNN team for the assistance in examining J&T Express employees. All urine samples examined, found no indication of narcotics abuse (negative).

J&T Express fully supports the BNN program in efforts to eradicate drug abuse through regular checks on all employees, especially in the J&T Express environment. By holding this good activity, it is hoped that it can increase awareness and joint commitment in preventing and anticipating the dangers of drugs.

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