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Cover Music Video Competition Let's Send Use J&T

JnT Friends, have watched the jingles. Let's send it using J&T?

Let's join the #AyoKirimPakaiJnTC challenge music cover challenge and get a chance to win lots of prizes!

Let's look at the terms and conditions: :

  1. Watch music video Let's Send Use J&T at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIrJaUXOMTo 

  2. Download the song http://share.jet.co.id/ayokirimpakaijnt

  3. Video cover #AyoKirimPakaiJnTChallenge, at least 1 person and make it as creative as you. Each person must hold the box in hand as a dance property (the box can be replaced with various types of items) and must use the original song Come Send Use J&T. 

  4. Follow Instagram/ Twitter @jntexpressid/Fanpage Facebook/ Subscribe to J&T Express Indonesia Youtube Channel.

  5. Upload your videos through an Instagram account with the Instagram dengan hastag #AyoKirimPakaiJnT and #AyoKirimPakaiJnTChallenge, don't forget tag @jntexpressid and 3 of your friends in the caption.

  6. Make sure your Instagram account is set publicly for easy verification.

  7. The #AyoKirimPakaiJnTChallenge video contest takes 16 Maret 2018 – 5 April 2018, and will be announced on April 9, 2018.

  8. The 5  best works will win prizes in the form of:

         1st Place : Marshall acton bluetooth speaker

         2nd Place : OPPO F5 Youth

         3rd Place : Marshall major 2 cable headphone

         2 of Favorite winner : Brica action camera

Let's show your creativity, and win the prize!

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